Vunderbar! Pilsner

Coastal New Hampshire, where we hail from, is home to several colonial era seaport towns, so it follows that we’d brew an India Pale Ale as a tribute to those big, hoppy 19th century ales that made the long sea voyage from England’s temperate shores, ’round the Cape of Good Hope, to the sultry climes of the faraway East Indies.
But there’s another reason we brewed this beer, one that’s closer to our home and hearts: hops and the people who love them.
In 1994 we brewed our first batch of Shoals Pale Ale, our American interpretation of a traditional British Extra Special Bitter. At the time, it was widely considered to be darned hoppy. However, a funny thing happened over the years. Our Shoals Pale Ale didn’t change but beer lovers did, and we started to hear more and more: “Why don’t you guys make a really hoppy beer?”
So ten years later we introduced Finestkind IPA as a salute to the American hop grower. The citrusy hop flavor coming from a mixture of Simcoe and Santiams is pleasantly balanced by a smooth bitterness from Amarillo hops. The beer itself is light bodied and crisp with a golden color that will throw a slight haze, as we bottle it unfiltered. At 73.5 IBU’s, this is definitely not a training-wheels IPA, but is meant for hop lovers looking to satisfy their craving in a way that’s not easy to find. We think they’ll be quite pleased.
Finestkind is dry-hopped in the fermenter to maximize its hop profile for your enjoyment.
#FinestkindFriday to show the world what you’re drinking on Fridays!
Vital Stats

Malt Bill
North American 2-row,Crisp Pale Ale,C-60
American Ale